What Is The Best Vitamin C For Absorption?

What Is The Best Vitamin C For Absorption?

Good health is a primary factor for living an enjoyable life. Eating whole foods and avoiding processed foods (plus regular exercise) will help you have a healthier, happier existence. In addition to this, to help minimise the detrimental effects of viruses such as the flu and common colds you can infuse your body with vitamin C. It helps your body to create a stronger immune system  to fight against the viruses,bacteria and free radical damage. 

Now, the main question is: What is the best vitamin c?

Vitamin C is available in many different forms and choosing the right one can be challenging, without expert advice. 

Here is an overview of some of the most popular forms of vitamin c.

Vitamin C as Ascorbic Acid

Ascorbic Acid is pure vitamin C, however, on its own it can be too acidic and may create digestive irritation in some people if taken for longer than 2 days’ time. If you have any doubts consult a qualified health practitioner. 

Calcium Ascorbate or the Ester C

Another common form of Vitamin C, then trying your hands on Calcium Ascorbate or Ester C will be a good call. These  forms are known to have a neutral pH level and won’t cause your body to become acidic.So, if you have  a sensitive digestive tract, this version of Vitamin C could be a good choice..

Liposomal vitamin C

If you want a vitamin c that is easily  absorbed, then liposomal is at the top of the list. It is also good for those with sensitive digestive tracts. Liposomal vitamin C contains phosphatidylcholine which is found in both sunflower and soy lecithin. The tiny liposomes found in phosphatidylcholine encapsulates the vitamin C making it over 4 times more bioavailable than other forms of oral vitamin C.   

To purchase the highest quality Liposomal Vitamin C, visit iOrganic Life now!

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