How Is Liposomal Vitamin C Different From The Rest?

How Is Liposomal Vitamin C Different From The Rest?

Vitamin C is perhaps the most common supplement available on the market. Esteemed for immune-boosting benefits, you are likely to have this nutrient in your medical cabinet. In case you are planning to purchase vitamin C, there are multiple options available. One of the latest products is liposomal vitamin C. How is liposomal vitamin c different from the other counterparts? liposomal vitamin C is more bioavailable and effective.

There isn’t any “one size fits all” approach to supplementation and the same goes with vitamin C selection. Liposomal vitamin C is an ideal option for some people, mainly those suffering from absorption issues or digestive distress. People who can’t swallow pills can opt for liposomal vitamin C. But, a non-liposomal vitamin C may be the best choice for some others.

What’s all the hype about?

Liposomal delivery is the new nutrient delivery system among other forms of liquid vitamins. It offers superior bioavailability and better absorption than traditional supplements. 

  • Lipids are molecules that consist of fatty acids, triglycerides, and cholesterol. Water cannot absorb them.
  • That’s why lipids play a major role to support cellular membranes’ structure and function. 
  • Liposomes are fat-soluble and tiny vesicles made from lipids and widely used in liposomal supplement delivery.
  • It encapsulates and delivers some of the active ingredients.
  • As the gastrointestinal tract presents harsh and acidic conditions, liposomal delivery is here to protect nutrients better than traditional methods.
  • Some studies have stated that liposomal vitamin C has a higher concentration of vitamins in the body when compared to non-liposomal vitamin C.
  • Liposomal delivery increases intracellular delivery, resulting in higher bioavailability.

Other than potential boosted absorption, liposomal vitamin C won’t have any unique benefits over other forms. It is critical to choose a high-quality brand that uses natural and safe sweeteners and preservatives in liposomal C products. All the liquid vitamins grow bacteria naturally, so preservatives are necessary. The quality of these sweeteners and preservatives matters. Some companies will use artificial sweeteners and harmful filters and additives, which are better to avoid.

The points mentioned above will let you know how liposomal vitamin c is different from the rest. But, it is recommended to visit a registered healthcare provider to know if liposomal vitamin C is best suited for your physical health.

The benefits you can get

When it comes to vitamin C in tablet or pill form, there are lots to consider. Ascorbic acid is one of the common forms of vitamin C in multiple supplements. These supplements work particularly well for respiratory support.

While supplements are a great way to consume vitamin C, real food is the best source to maintain levels. Along with vitamins, whole foods present vital enzymes, nutrients, fiber, and other compounds to help with absorption power.

To learn more about liposomal vitamin C and how it helps your health, take time to visit experts from iOrganic Life -. If you are interested in taking therapeutic doses of Liposomal Vitamin C always consult an experienced and qualified healthcare practitioner first. 

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